7 Day Plant Based Meal Plan

Our One-Pan 7-day meal program is totally plant based

This plant-based meal program has been created with four key considerations in mind

Bone Building nutrients
Immune Support
Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Gut Health


you're also getting...

A full shopping list

So it's easy to go to the shops or order all the ingredients online and be confident you haven't missed anything.


A preparation guide

Each and every day, you know what to cook for your next meal, but also make and prep for the next couple of days. Saving LOTS of time, as you only need to cook a meal once, but enjoy it for your dinner today, lunch tomorrow and maybe a 3rd time.. all from cooking it once.

We make your meal plan as EASY as possible to stick to

Delivered by

Live Nourished
Live Nourished

Live Nourished was created with the aim of helping as many people as possible to 'as the name suggests' live a more Nourished life. There has never been a more important time than right now to start looking after ourselves. One thing that a Pandemic will do is highlight the importance of keeping ourselves as fit and healthy as we can and our immune system strong. Pandemics are out with our control but there is plenty that's within our control so that's what we will focus on. No doom and gloom here!

There are many ways that we can nourish our mind and body. Good sleep, daily movement, relaxation practices, but one of the most influential things we can do is ensure we are eating the right foods. What we eat directly influences how we feel and function every single day.

Eating well isn't always about losing weight. Reaching and staying at a healthy body weight is just a bonus and a natural bi-product of good daily choices. We can often brush off things like persistent fatigue, brain fog, aching joints, mood swings, energy crashes, digestive issues plus lots of other internal irritants that aren't necessarily debilitating but do disrupt our quality of life. The good news is, you would be amazed at how many of these symptoms can be dramatically improved with better food choices.


Bone Building Nutrients

Calcium and magnesium are essential to building healthy bones.

This meal plan uses calcium-rich ingredients like coconut yoghurt, fortified milk beverages, almond butter, and tofu to help you achieve a calcium intake of over 1,000 mg per day.

Over 500 mg of magnesium is incorporated daily from food sources like chia seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and banana.

Protein is an essential nutrient for bone health and makes up to 20% of the daily calories in this plan.

Immune Support

The mineral zinc is critical for immune function and is found in pumpkin seeds, oats, and chickpeas.

Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress in cells and is useful in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

This meal plan contains vitamin A sources like sweet potato, peppers, and broccoli.

Vitamin C supports the immune system and is found in strawberries, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, and cauliflower.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Polyphenols may help to control oxidative stress and the inflammatory response. This plan includes polyphenols found in strawberries, walnuts, almonds, spinach, tofu, and tempeh.

The polyphenol curcumin in turmeric is incorporated in the meal plan for its role as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Curcumin is effective in treating chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

Gut Health

Fibre modulates the gut microbiome to create a healthy intestinal environment.

The plan provides up to 50 grams of fibre daily from foods such as fruits, vegetables, oats, lentils, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

This meal plan combines probiotics and prebiotics like yoghurt with fruit to bring good bacteria into the gut and support digestive health.

"I have always wanted to enjoy a more plant-based diet, but always defaulted to my "regular" home cooked meals. Since getting this 7 day meal plan, I have managed to stick to it, and is so easily put together.

Great to have the shopping list. Live Nuorished make it so easy"

- Jenny S, Mother of 2 under 10 y/o's

"Who would have known that changing to a plant-based diet could make me feel so much more energised? I know this is only 7 days worth or meals, but it's such an amazing base to start from. It was great to go a couple of weeks with this meal plan, then I swapped in some other suggestions, and it keeps my food exciting"

- Sarah M

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we get with this purchase?
You're getting a 7-day full plant-based meal plan. Showing your macro's, calories, and everything you'll need to be in control.
Do we get a shopping list?
Yes, we'll breakdown a full shopping list for you, so it's easy to itemise out all the ingredients you'll need for the week.
How long do I have access to content?
How does lifetime access sound? After purchase, you can download it as a PDF, or have unlimited access to this content for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the meal plan?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase AND you HAVE NOT downloaded the PDF, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Is there lots to organise?
With any meal plan, preparation is the key. We've made it as easy as possible. detailing what meals to prep, how much to store for another day, so that one cook can satisfy a few meals.

Get started now!